Building a Better Future for Kids

We believe that investing in children is investing in the future. Our goal is to provide children with the support and resources they need to grow and thrive

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Creating Lasting Change for Those in Need

At Noor, we’re dedicated to creating lasting change for those in need. Through education, healthcare, and other essential resources, we empower individuals and communities to break the cycle of poverty.

Urgent Causes

Addressing critical needs and providing rapid response to crises.

Your Support Can Make a Difference

Making a Difference for Those
Facing Hardship


At Noor, we’re dedicated to creating lasting change for those in need. Through education, healthcare, and other essential resources.


At Noor, we’re dedicated to creating lasting change for those in need. Through education, healthcare, and other essential resources.


At Noor, we’re dedicated to creating lasting change for those in need. Through education, healthcare, and other essential resources.

Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.

Kids Need Urgent Help


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